Saturday, March 25, 2017

How A Six Pack Can RUIN Your Life? | Six Pack Shortcuts 2 Review

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Six Pack Shortcuts 2 Review, Whether it was in the gym, going around the office, or just anywhere Clark was that one guy who had a personality that could light up a room.

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We really appreciate you guys taking some time to watch and enjoy Clark’s memory here at Six Pack Shortcuts. I miss you man, but I know you’re up there watching over us.
Today we are going to go over what we know best here at Six Pack Shortcuts - six pack abs. When it comes to the pursuit of getting a six pack, however, you can potentially ruin your life in the process if done incorrectly.

People get so caught up in wanting a six pack immediately that they will sacrifice good and healthy choices to do so. It's important to understand where someone is starting out, what limitations they have, and their current health conditions that could affect the process.

Six Pack Shortcuts 2 Review, For example:

2:45 - Training with a hurt back: Clark suggests NOT to train abs when you are dealing with back problems due to how the spine and lumbar of your back are engaged while training the core. Doing ab workouts with a current back injury could potentially make things worse.

3:06 - Clark said it best with "What's the point of being injured with a six pack if you're not functional; you have no quality of life anymore, right?"

It's important to balance out everything to have the body you deserve to live life to it's fullest. Being obsessed with getting a six pack can lead you to unhealthy choices, so instead, make it a priority to do things and do them the correct and healthy way.

4:30 - Don't do a ton of ab exercises to get your six pack abs. You could do crunches all day and night and potentially never see your abs unless you get rid of any excess layers of body fat over the abs first. Now, you should be doing some core and ab training, however, do understand that you will be working the muscle underneath the layers of fat versus burning the fat off to see the abs.

5:00 - With the final goal in mind of achieving a six pack, set milestones, and benchmarks along the way to lead up to getting abs. Things such as losing five lbs, lower your body fat percentage two points, or being able to do three sets of 20 leg raises are ways to achieve and keep on achieving.

5:53 - Having a six pack doesn't necessarily mean you have reached the pinnacle of health and fitness. You can have a six pack and still be unhealthy or unfit. If you are not functional with a six pack, like being able to pull your bodyweight up or jog for 10 minutes without getting tired easily. You want to be: fit, functional, and aesthetic.

6:21 - The goal of a six pack can get you on track to healthier choices all around. Once you get motivated and start building good habits like clean eating, proper nutrition, and effectively training, everything else just falls into place.

8:35 - Don't hurt yourself trying to get a six pack. SO, take the right steps in a healthy direction to achieve a functionally fit form. this way you aren't shorting yourself the opportunity to enjoy life while still having the body you deserve.

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Remember, Six Pack Shortcuts 2, that getting your six pack abs is just one small part in getting the body to go along with living life to it's fullest.

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